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Model Details
Model :1000 GB Enterprise io3 PCIe Flash Adapter Partner Name:Lenovo
Device Type:PCI-E Vendor Id:SANDISK
Endurance:12000 TBW Performance Class:Class F: 100,000-349,999 Writes Per Second
Endurance Class:Endurance Class D >=7300 TBW Flash Technology:MLC
DWPD:7Interface Speed:N/A
Capacity:1000 GBForm Factor:N/A
VID :1aed DID :3002
SVID :1014 SSID :04d3
Series:N/AProduct Id:IOMEMORY
Part Number:00AE995
  • Device had other similar set of certification with different Vendor
  • It is strongly recommended that you use vSAN ReadyNodes. However, if you choose to Build Your Own vSAN solution then you must confirm that your components including drives are supported by the OEM server manufacturer.
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